Ben Fallin
- Use left and right arrow keys to move.
- Try to land on the platforms to score a point.
- Current score is on left and high score is on right.
Coding goals:
- A PICO-8 game in 500 characters or less for the TweetTweetJam 8.
- Sound in the game, just a blip in this case.
- Scoring and keep a high score
- User controls.
- Game mechanics, hopefully that are a little fun.
- An ending to the game. Falling to the bottom or hitting the top resets the current score making it a new game.
PICO-8 Source Code:
a,j,b,e,l,r,s,m,x,y,c,d,n,g,h,u,p=cursor,rectfill,16,120,64,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 poke4(12868,2361) ::⌂:: if(btn(⬅️))x-=4 if(btn(➡️))x+=4 x&=127l-=1if(l<0)r=u c=u+1l=e m-=1if(m<0)s=u d=u+1m=e if(g>h)h=g p=0y+=3if((y>e)or(y<0))y=0g=0 if((y>l-5)and(y<l+1)and(x\b==r))sfx(1)y=l-6p=1 if((y>m-5)and(y<m+1)and(x\b==s))sfx(1)y=m-6p=1 if((p==0)and(n==1))g+=1 cls()n=p j(r*b,l,r*b+b,l+2,c) j(s*b,m,s*b+b,m+2,d) a(0,y)color(7)?"웃",x,y a(b,0)?g a(e,0)?h u=rnd(7)\1flip()goto ⌂
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Very clever avoiding a game-over screen and restart, and just clearing the score on "death".
I didn't realize the character "웃" icon looked so good. Will have to try those in the future.